Monday, October 29, 2012

Sweat, sweat and tears

 Once upon a time, ISFiT decided to do some good and raise travel money for their participants. After putting together a successful charity concert, they decided to arrange a fitness class where the money again went to the Travel Support Fund. Everyone agreed that it was a great idea—including me. That is, until I was told that I had to attend the class myself.

Around 20 of ISFiT’s fittest volunteers showed up Wednesday evening, ready for a class created specifically for the occasion by Jakob and Silje, who are gym instructors and possibly two of the most energetic people south of the Arctic Circle. We were off to a great start, if you choose to ignore the fact that some people struggled to separate left from right.

For those of you who’ve never set a foot inside a gym, I am now able to inform you that the weird-looking boomerang is, in fact, something called a corebar, which supposedly helps with…stuff. A corebar class demands muscular strength in your arms, good coordination and willpower, which happens to be three qualities I do not possess. But everyone else did really well.

And no, it’s just not possible to take photos of people exercising with a corebar without them ending up looking a little weird. But that’s what you get for allowing a person with a camera to roam free inside a gym.

Half an hour into the class, I was convinced of two things: the instructors had to be in possession of some secret superpowers, and ISFiT has to be the fittest student organization in the whole wide world. At one point, I observed several people doing one-legged squats, which I had previously believed to be nothing more than film tricks. I haven’t felt so physically inferior since I spent five hours watching gymnastics during the London Olympics this summer.

But in all seriousness, there are worse ways to spend your Wednesday, and how often do you get the chance to get a little fitter while doing something for a good cause? Not often enough.


  1. this is awesome!
    fitness as a fundraiser...we all need more of good health and good causes around!
    Way to go ISFiT :) <3

  2. Great work and enthusiasm for cause :) A Big Big thank you Volunteers <3
